Get professional Lab Report Writing help
Lab report writing is an important part of all laboratory experiments. It shows what you have done in the lab, findings and explains the significance of your findings. Writing a lab report is not easy since every professor will want something different from you.
We have homework help experts in all fields. Our lab report experts will help you write a good lab report that your professor cannot reject.
Lab reports help you to;
- Do a scientific research
- Give a hypothesis about an event or behavior
- Assess relevant literature to explain your hypothesis
- Provide accurate details that can allow someone replicates your experiment
- Test your hypothesis
- Go through several theories
- Do research objectively
- Communicate your findings precisely
In order to write a lab report, you need to know its format. Writing formats help you to organize your ideas logically and keep your work neat. Together with lab report writing, we offer research paper writing services.
Lab report writing format
Title page
It is the first page of a lab report that tells readers what the experiment is about. The title page displays the name or names of the people conducting the experiment, the date of the experiment, and when the report should be submitted.
Title of your lab report
This is a brief description of the experiment. It should not exceed 10 words. The title should begin with a keyword rather than an article like ‘a’ or ‘the’.
An abstract is a summary of the essential aspects of a lab report. It helps readers to know if the report is worth reading or not. Such aspects include;
- Purpose of the experiment
- Findings
- Significance of the experiment
- Conclusion
Introduction of your lab report
Lab report introduction states the objectives and the background of the experiment. It provides the reader with relevant theories, formulas, and previous studies conducted on the experiment. You should not write what is in the lab manual. Show your understanding of the problem.
Method and equipment
This is a list of materials and apparatus used during the experiment. Include all the materials and apparatus you used. This is to help those who may want to replicate what you have done to achieve the same results.
Experimental procedure of your lab report
This is a record of what was done and what happened during the experiment. It is a step-by-step format that is easy for other people to follow. You should record every step you take. Also, write what happened during the experiment rather than what was supposed to happen.
In some cases, the professor might want you to follow the lab manual procedure. In such a case, note the instances you did not follow the manual’s procedure.
Results of your lab report
This is the data you collected during the experiment. It is presented using tables, diagrams, graphs, and calculations. This part should be well labeled to avoid confusion. For instance; Tables should be numerically labeled such as table 1, table 2, table 3, etc. Captions should appear above the tables.
Graphs, images, and diagrams should also be numerically labeled but as figure 1, figure 2, etc. The captions appear at the bottom of the figure.