Business Policies & Strategies

Assignment Details

Your company has determined that the time is right to expand globally. As a corporate manager within the organization, you have been assigned to identify and select a team of five to ten members from within the organization to explore and identify two to three managerial challenges associated with global expansion. You have been given three months to assemble your team and create a global expansion report outlining your findings to provide to the leadership team.

As the team leader, you realize you will need to identify how to successfully complete the assignment. Assuming you have completed the process of selecting your team, what are your next steps? Include in your strategy the following:

  1. Analyze two to three team performance challenges that may arise and what corrective action you may employ to keep the project on track.
  2. Discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of expanding globally from a leadership perspective.
  3. Examine two management theories and discuss how each theory impacts managerial decisions from a global perspective.


Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook and all course resources.



Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It’s the roadmap that can help you in the development of your IP.




Expectation Points
Assignment-Specific: An analysis of two to three team performance challenges along with the corrective actions to keep project on track was provided. 40    
Assignment-Specific: Paper included discussion of two advantages and two disadvantages of expanding globally from a leadership perspective. 40    
Assignment-Specific: Examined two management theories and discussed how each theory impacts managerial decisions from a global perspective. 35    
Professional Language: Assignment contains accurate grammar,
spelling, and punctuation with few or no errors. (APA formatting is
required or style specified in assignment).
Total Points 125    
Total Points Earned      



Anthony, S. D., Trotter, A., Bell, R. D., & Schwartz, E. I. (2019, September). The transformation 20: The top global companies leading strategic transformations. Innosight.

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Business Policies & Strategies

Summative Discussion Board

Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 300–500 words on the following:

  • What were the most compelling topics learned in this course?
  • How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?
  • What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information?


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Business Policies & Strategies

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:


An external analysis of a company is another indicator for making strategic decisions. External factors are the general environment of an industry that strategic leaders most likely will not be able to influence. There are six external factors for a PESTEL analysis that influence all firms in a given industry. The PESTEL model groups these segments as: political, economic, sociocultural, technological, ecological and legal.

Review the following article:

Explore the six PESTEL external factors: political, economic, sociocultural, technological, ecological, and legal.

Choose one industry (automotive, hospitality, manufacturing, high tech, etc.) and discuss the following with your peers:

  • Examine one of the six PESTEL factors in relation to your chosen industry. In your opinion, why do you believe this PESTEL factor is the most important to your chosen industry?
  • Describe one advantage and disadvantage of the PESTEL analysis for strategic planning.
  • If you were a manager in a global organization, how would you use the technological factor of innovation to gain a competitive advantage?








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Business Policies & Strategies

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:


Strategic evaluation of a company requires managers to consider the reasons why one company has a competitive advantage over another. When managers make decisions to compete, they also need to reflect on ethical implications. Competitive advantage can be created when information technology is used to collect and interpret data.

Read the following article:

Please answer the following questions:

  • Explain what a company’s highest priority should be when creating a competitive advantage?
  • What is an example of a competitive advantage that is created by using information technology?
  • In your opinion, what are the ethical considerations when using information technology to create a competitive advantage?

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Business Policies & Strategies

The SWOT analysis is often used to help managers understand the competitive advantage of their organization. It can also help them to make decisions to support the organization’s mission and vision in an ethical manner and help with strategic planning.

Watch the video: Putting Your SWOT to Use which will provide you with what you need to know about SWOT and making it work for your organization’s strategic planning.


Review the abbreviated version of the Starbucks 2020 SWOT Analysis.


Considering the video and the Starbucks 2020 SWOT Analysis, answer the following questions:

  • Opportunities are to be prioritized in your strategic plan. How would you recommend that Starbucks prioritize Ready to Drink (RTD) coffee products in the U.S.?
  • Weaknesses are important and need to be acted on quickly. What would be your first step to act on Starbucks expanding outside the U.S.? Why do you think this would work?
  • Threats need to be watched and monitored. Explain how you would plan to monitor weather disasters that could drive up the price of coffee beans?









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